EVP Toolbox

imread - Reads image file in ANY format

Calling Sequence
    im = imread(filename)

    * filename: A string, the image filename to be read. The extension determines the type of the image. We only support RGB images, for Scilab Aurora only deal with RGB image.
    * im: this is a MxNx3 unsigned char matrix.


	imread reads many types of image files into Scilab. The format of the file is inferred from the extension in the filename parameter. Currently the following file formats are supported: * Windows bitmaps - BMP, DIB; * JPEG files - JPEG, JPG, JPE; * Portable Network Graphics - PNG; * Portable image format - PBM, PGM, PPM; * Sun rasters - SR, RAS; * TIFF files - TIFF, TIF.


	im = imread(SCI + '/contrib/evp/video/lena.png');

Bugs and Shortcomings
	Support RGB image only.

	Jonbo (or Jiang Fengbin)